6 April 2011

Top 5 tip of Poker

Many people aspire to be professional poker players, due to the many possibilities of winning large amounts of money. The following tips will not guarantee you becoming a millionaire by playing bingo, but should increase your chances of becoming a half decent player.

  • (1) Many new players make a vital mistake right from the start of the game, they insist on playing every hand. The key tip to becoming a half decent player involves folding more than you play. If you notice yourself playing more hands than your folding then you need to upgrade your hand requirements. This applies when playing on an online casino and in a real casino.

  • (2) On many occasion I have watched somebody I know get far too drunk, which results in them making stupid decisions and throwing their chips away. (I have also been that person) If you are playing with your friends on a small budget, then this is fine, but if you are going to be gambling in a real casino then try to avoid drinking even if having one or two glasses of alcohol makes you relax. 

  • (3) Like all games people like to win by a mile when they win. In poker many new player understand the concept that bluffing is part of the game, but fail to realize the you don’t have to bluff just for bluffing sake, if you play by this rule you are more likely to be out of the game with no chips left early on.

  • (4) If you find yourself in a game, which you have already put in a large amount of chips don’t think this means you have to stay in, if you see nothing on the table then your best chance if to fold and keep your chips for a later game.

  • (5) One of the best tips I can give you while playing poker is not to play, only if you are in a mood that is. Playing poker when you have had a bad day or when you feel sad will be noticed by other players and then taken advantage of. If you find yourself in this situation, take a break and then return to the table when you are in a better mood.


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