8 April 2011

people want loves dancing for fun

It always seems a little strange that some sports, or art forms as they may be known, are given such little coverage. Football, or soccer in some countries, is given the most media attention. This may be rightfully so, as it can draw in the largest crowds, and certainly the TV viewing figures. In the USA, the big four are basketball, baseball, American football and hockey - sports which are largely un-played at top professional level elsewhere. Other sports such as tennis, motor racing, rugby, cricket and even darts are popular.

However there are other hugely popular sports that are given only little coverage. Such as ballroom dancing, fishing, and others. This may be because the people who usually love those sports may not be very computer-friendly type people. They may prefer to, or have to, spend their time playing or practicing their sport, rather than promoting it, or watching others do it.

Ballroom dancing is increasingly popular, and many people get into competition worldwide. Countries such as the UK, Spain, Australia and Japan are places in which there is a growing craze for dance. This is no doubt helped by the much more recent popularity of street dance and belly dance. Even though street dance can be associated with poor youths from bad backgrounds, many people still like to watch it. This therefore creates an interest in other kinds of dance that perhaps have less of a negative stigma or background attached to them, such as ballet.


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