8 April 2011

How Cheat in Poker

Cheating in poker not only happens when you play poker in a casino but also with friends, fortunately this kind of thing does not happen when playing in an online casino. 

One of the most common methods of cheating and one of the easiest requires nerve and not the ability to manipulate, like many others. This type of cheating involves things like, avoiding house fees and even peaking at other player’s cards. Other minimal tactic is known as going south, this is where the player takes away some of his chips, without anybody else noticing, this is so that they can cash in the chips at the end of the night. 


Skilled methods involve such things as hand-muck, this is when the player has a separate set of cards that he/she changes during the game. False dealing is also another skilled method of cheating; this is done when the dealer when the dealer grips the deck with his index finger in front of it, this grip provides cover for the dealer while he is looking at the cards.

Marked cards are normally marked with a specific print on each so the player can work out the value of each one. Way that the cards are marked are too numerous to mention here. A card deck can also be marked during a game, this is done when a player strategically bends the card or places marks on the card, he or she will then be able to work out what the other players cards are. 

One other method of cheating involves two players, it’s known as collusion, this is where two or more players play together, it’s relatively easy to spot after a short period of time playing with these types of cheaters.

Some players will engage in actions that are within the rules but are considered unfair, this is called angle-shooting; players try to influence the actions of others to their advantage.


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